2025 Associated Students and Campus Wide Spring General Election
________ Total Undergraduate eligible voters.
Total Voter Turnout: ________% ( ________ Ballots)
Constitutional Amendments
2025 A.S. Candidates
Internal Vice President
External VP, Local Affairs
External VP, Statewide Affairs
Student Advocate General
Collegiate Senator
Six total positions available (6)
What college are you a part of?
A) College of Letters and Science
B) College of Creative Studies
C) College of Engineering
Collegiate Senators
Vote for a maximum of Four (4) Senators from Letters and Sciences
Vote for a maximum of One (1) Senator from Engineering
Vote for a maximum of One (1) Senator from Creative Studies
Vote here if you pay rent or own your home in Isla Vista, Goleta, Santa Barbara, Tropicana, Fontainebleu, etc..
Twelve positions available (12) – Vote for a maximum of Twelve (12) Senators
Off-Campus Senators
Vote here if you live in any of the on-campus UCSB Residence Halls: Anacapa, San Miguel, San Nicolas, San Rafael, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, Manzanita Village, Santa Catalina (formerly Francisco Torres).
Five positions available (5) – Vote for a maximum of FIVE (5) Senators
On-Campus Senators
University Owned Off-Campus Housing
Vote here if you live in any of the following: Family Student Housing, Santa Ynez Apts, El Dorado Apts., Westgate Apts., San Clemente, or West Campus Housing.
One position available (1) – Vote for one (1) Senator
University Owned Off-Campus Senators
Transfer Senator
One position available (1) – Vote for one (1) Senator
Transfer Senator
International Senator
Two positions available (2) – Vote for a maximum of TWO (2) Senators
International Senator
2025 A.S. Reaffirmations
These are the reaffirmations of existing constitutional lock-ins. Voting “YES” will not increase your A.S. fees.
Composting Program/Department of Public Worms
Do you support the continued funding of $2.69 per ASUCSB membership for fall,
winter, spring, and summer quarters to support the AS Department of Public Worms (of
the $2.69 collected, $0.67 is for return-to-aid, $0.13 is for a 7% administrative
assessment, $0.02 is for the 1% AS recharge fee, and $1.87 will go to the AS
Department of Public Worms)? If reaffirmed, the fee would be subject to reaffirmation
every two years as mandated by the A.S. Constitution.
Finance Board/Student Organization Program Funding (Finance and Business Committee)
Do you support the continued funding of $10.08 per ASUCSB membership for fall,
winter, spring, and summer quarters to support the Finance Board/Student
Organization Program Funding Lock-In (of the $10.08 collected, $2.52 is for
return-to-aid, $0.49 is for a 7% administrative assessment collected on all non-capital
expenditures, $0.07 is for the AS recharge fee, and $7.00 will go to the Finance
Board/Student Organization Program Funding Lock-In)? If reaffirmed, the fee would be
subject to reaffirmation every two years as mandated by the A.S. Constitution.
IV Arts
Do you support the continued funding of the mandatory fee of $2.00 per ASUCSB
membership for fall, winter, and spring quarter, and $0.67 for summer to support IV
Arts (of the $2.00 collected $0.50 is for return-to-aid, $0.02 is for administrative
assessment, $0.04 is for the AS recharge fee, and $1.44 will go to IV Arts); in the
summer of the $0.67 collected, $0.17 is for return-to-aid, $0.01 is for administrative
assessment, $0.01 is for the AS recharge fee, and $0.48 will go to IV Arts)? If
reaffirmed, the fee would be subject to reaffirmation every two years as mandated by the
A.S. Constitution.
Program Board
Do you support the continued funding of $24.06 per ASUCSB membership collected
for fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters to support Program Board (of the $24.06
collected, $4.30 is for return-to-aid, $0.44 is for administrative assessment, $0.05
is for the AS recharge fee, and $19.27 goes to Program Board)? If reaffirmed, the fee
would be subject to reaffirmation every two years as mandated by the A.S. Constitution.
Trans and Queer Commission
Do you support the continued funding of $2.12 per ASUCSB membership for fall,
winter, spring, and summer quarters to support Trans & Queer Commission students at
UCSB (of the $2.12 collected, $0.53 is for return-to-aid, $0.10 is for administrative
assessment, $0.01 is for the 1% AS recharge fee, and $1.48 will go to TQComm)? If
reaffirmed, the fee would be subject to reaffirmation every two years as mandated by the
A.S. Constitution.
UCSB United States Students Association (USSA)
Do you support the continued funding of of $3.61 per ASUCSB membership for fall,
winter, and spring quarters ($1.00 in Summer) membership for USSA (of the $3.61
collected, $1.08 is for return-to-aid, $0.18 is for administrative assessment, $0.03 is for
the 1% AS recharge fee, and $2.50 will go to Associated Students)? Of the $1.00 per
undergraduate student collected in summer, $0.25 is for return-to-aid, $0.05 is for
administrative assessment, $0.01 is for the 1% AS recharge fee, and $0.69 will go to
Associated Students)? If passed, the fee would be subject to reaffirmation every two
years as mandated by the A.S. Constitution.