Jacob Min
Collegiate Senator - Letters & Science


Hi, my name is Jacob Min and I am running to be your Senator for the College of Letters and Sciences. I am a third year student studying Communication. With a background in Finance, Accounting, and Law from managing a small business, my mission is to lower student costs of attendance.

With the rising costs of everything in our lives, pursuing a higher education should not be put in jeopardy due to scheduling conflicts with work, exorbitant student fees or unaffordable textbooks.

With my background in Accounting, I will audit how our student fees are being spent. By eliminating redundant or otherwise unnecessary spending, the savings will be passed on to us, the students.

By eliminating Saturday Exams, we, especially those who work, will be able to have more flexibility in our schedules while leaving us more time to prepare.

Too many students go hungry or forego basic human necessities to afford the required textbooks for class. By increasing the accessibility and affordability of textbooks, students will be able to more comfortably purchase vital class materials.

I am excited to become the voice for your rights. Lets put an end to unreasonable College expenses.

United we stand, divided we fall;

Go ‘chos

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