Endorsed by:

Alexander Arambula
On Campus Senator


Howdy! I'm Alex (He/She/They), and I'm a second-year-going-on-third-year here at UCSB! I've spent my two years here living entirely in on-campus housing, and while my personal experience has been smooth, I understand there are several concerns regarding about living on campus, namely, the availability of on-campus housing to begin with! Early this school year, I was part of a focus-group to help create a new set of on-campus apartments by Harder Stadium and Caesar Uyesaka Stadium, and should I be elected to On-Campus Senator, I will see to it that the aforementioned project goes through successfully to create those much needed humane housing spaces. Also, as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I aim to expand services for the greater queer community in the on-campus housing and promote a culture of gender and sexual identity inclusivity. Additionally, I will advocate for meal-swipe reforms to push down some of the harsh restrictions placed on campus dining. I thank you tremendously for considering me, and, with your vote, I hope to serve you well in the 2024-2025 school year. Let's go Gauchos!

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