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Welcome to the A.S. Elections Board Website

Declare Your Candidacy for Spring!

Do you want to run for office? Declare your candidacy for the upcoming spring general election.

Office Hours

Send an email to to schedule a Zoom meeting
if you have questions or want to discuss anything elections-related.

Our Mission

Under Article VI, Section 16.A of the Elections Code, the “Charge of the Board” is as follows:
The Elections Board coordinates the mechanics of the Elections. The main functions of the Board are to run the Spring General Election, to run any Special Election(s), to interpret and enforce the Election Code, and to regulate candidate activities during these aforementioned elections.

Contact Information

MAILBOX:  UCEN Room 1523 (A.S. Main Office)


INSTAGRAM: or search ‘AS Elections Board’

A.S. Main Office805-893-2566UCEN 1523
A.S. Judicial Council805-893-2566UCEN 2535
A.S. Attorney General805-893-2566UCEN 2535
A.S. Administration805-893-3374UCEN 2537

Important Dates

Candidacy Due: Coming soon
Declaration Meeting: Coming soon
Voting Supplement: Coming soon

All 2024-25 dates and events are tentative and subject to change. The format and structure of events are always contingent on guidelines and restrictions in place by the university.