A Resolution to Update Article VI of the Associated Students Constitution
- This proposed amendment changes the composition and membership of the Senate, representation for various constituencies, and the duties and powers of the Internal Vice President and the Senate.
A “Yes” vote is in favor of reducing the number of Senators from twenty-seven (27) to eighteen (18), removing Residential Senators and replacing them with At-Large Senators, adding one (1) Transfer Senator, and specifying the roles of the Senate and IVP in the organization.
A “No” vote is in favor of maintaining the current number and classification of Senators (27), and the current roles of the Senate as well as the IVP
Do you approve of the amendment of Article VI, Section 2. Membership and Section 3. Distribution of Elected Representatives of the Constitution as follows:
Changes noted in Bold
The Legislative Authority shall be vested in the Senate, which shall be the supreme policy-making body of the Associated Students and shall promote the welfare and interests of the Members of the Associated Students, subject to the limitations herein enumerated.
- The voting members of the Senate shall be defined as the total number of the elected Representatives of the Associated Students. Each Senator shall be elected by a plurality of their respective constituencies.
The Presiding Officer of the Senate may vote only to break a tie vote.The Internal Vice President shall serve as President of the Senate, and may vote only to break a tie vote.- A First Presiding Senator Pro-Tempore and Second Presiding Senator Pro-Tempore shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the Senate by the second (2nd) regular meeting following the installation of officers and may vote in all matters.
- The line of succession for the Presiding Office of the Senate shall be the First Presiding Senator Pro-Tempore followed by the Second Presiding Senator Pro-Tempore.
Residential SenatorsThe distribution of the residential senators shall be based upon a fixed number of senators representing each constituency.
Five (5) On-Campus Senators shall represent undergraduate students residing in university residence halls.
Twelve (12) Off-Campus Senators shall represent undergraduate students residing off-campus.
One (1) University Owned Housing Senator shall represent undergraduate students residing in university owned housing.
- Senators-At-Large
- Eight (8) seats shall be allocated for Senators-At-Large, which shall be open to any regularly enrolled UCSB undergraduate.
- Collegiate Senators
- The distribution of Collegiate Senators shall be based upon a fixed number of senators representing each of the university’s colleges.
- A Senator must study within the college they
he/sherepresents, and will be responsible for representing the academic interests of their college-determined constituents both through their capacity as a Senator and in coordination with the Internal Vice President’s Office. - Four (4) College of Letters and Sciences Senators shall represent the College of Letters and Sciences.
- One (1) College of Engineering Senator shall represent the College of Engineering.
- One (1) College of Creative Studies Senator shall represent the College of Creative Studies.
- Transfer Senators
- Two
One(21) Transfer Senators shall represent undergraduate students who have transferred to the university from another collegiate institution.
- Two
- International Senators
- Two (2) International Senators shall represent undergraduate international students.
The Senate shall:
- Supervise and maintain the policies, properties and conduct of the Associated Students.
- Have authority over the responsibility for all Associated Students’ revenues and expenditures.
- Approve by majority vote (50% + 1) the annual budget.
- Approve and publish the annual audit by a Certified Public Accountant chosen by the Executive Director and subject to the majority approval (50% +1) of the Senate members present.
- Keep minutes of all proceedings.
- Ratify all appointments
of the President, Presiding Officer, and the Judicial Councilby a majority vote (50% + 1) of the Senate members present, unless otherwise provided herein. - Be empowered to authorize all boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies of the Associated Students, which shall:
- Aid in the execution of the policies and programs of the Associated Students.
- Have the power of legislative initiative.
- Report regularly to the Senate.
- Keep records of all proceedings.
- Be empowered to establish and disband sub Judicial Council(s) as provided herein.
- Be empowered to investigate all matters pertaining to their legislative function.
- Be empowered to override a Presidential veto by a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership.
- Have the power to enact a phone vote if the vetoed legislation is deemed urgent in nature.
- Be empowered to authorize the expenditure of investment reserve funds by a three- fourths (3/4) majority approval of the voting membership.
- Be empowered to dismiss appointees
of the President, the Presiding Officer, and the Judicial Councilby a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership, unless otherwise provided herein. - Be a
non-partisanrepresentative of all undergraduate students at the University.
A Resolution to Update Article VII of the Associated Students Constitution
- This constitutional amendment redefines the responsibilities of the Associated Students’ President and Internal Vice President.
A “Yes” vote is in favor of redefining the Presidential cabinet ratifications process and designating the Internal Vice President as President of the Senate.
A “No” vote is in favor of maintaining the current ratification process and the Internal Vice President’s role as presiding officer of the Senate.
Do you approve of the amendments of Article VII, Section 2. Executive Officers of the Constitution as follows:
Changes noted in Bold
The Executive Officers of the Associated Students shall be elected annually by a majority vote (50% + 1) of the Associated Students’ Membership.
- The President shall:
- Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Associated Students and shall coordinate and be responsible for the functioning of the A.S. Executive Director.
- Serve as official representative of the Associated Students in all campus, system wide, local, state and federal matters, unless otherwise provided herein.
Deal with all student affairs.Oversee and deal with all undergraduate student affairs. Work closely with the offices of the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, and every other UCSB administrator and/or campus department to advance undergraduate student priorities through policy and funding changes.- Appoint the Chair people of all boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies of the Executive Department from the membership of the Associated Students.
- Name the Chairperson of the Judicial Council from its membership subject to a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership of the Senate.
- Appoint the membership of Judicial Council, subject to a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership of the Senate, from the membership of the Associated Students in the event that a seat on Judicial Council becomes vacant.
- Appoint all student representatives to University administration, faculty, staff, or other advisory bodies.
- Formulate an annual budget to be submitted to the Senate for approval by the fifth (5th) regular meeting of Spring quarter.
- Be a non-voting ex-officio member of all boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies of the Executive Department.
- Be empowered to veto main motions of the Senate within two (2) days of its adoption.
- Be empowered to appoint a Cabinet of Advisors
notsubject to Senate ratification. - Be empowered to issue reasonable and lawful Executive Orders, within the parameters set by the By-Laws of the Associated Students of UCSB.
- The Internal Vice President Affairs shall:
- Serve as the President
ing Officerof the Senate except when the office of the President becomes vacant. - Serve as the representative of Associated Students in all internal affairs.
- Advise and inform the President and the Senate on all campus matters.
- Be responsible for facilitating the monitoring of the proliferation of student fees throughout the university.
- Serve as the primary representative for undergraduate students on all academic matters. Work closely with the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Academic Senate together with elected senators to advance undergraduate needs.
- Serve as the official liaison between Associated Students, the Office of Student Life, and Registered Campus Organizations.
- Supervise all departments, commissions, boards, units, committees, or other entities in the Executive Branch to ensure all entities fulfill their mission in Legal Code and that all representatives complete their expected duties.
- Work to identify areas of improvement within the Executive Branch related to internal processes and efficiency.
- Aid in the liaisonship between BCUs and the Senate.
- In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, serve as President until a new President is duly elected.
- Be an
a non-partisanimpartial representative of all undergraduate students at the University.
- Serve as the President
- The President shall:
- The Student Advocate General Shall:
- Provide oversight and direction to the Office of the Student Advocate.
- Educate the student body about students’ rights, University and Associated Students policies, laws, regulations, procedures, and promote awareness of the availability of advice and representation services offered by the Office of the Student Advocate.
- Be available to provide assistance and support to any undergraduate student and student group involved in disciplinary actions with the University of California, Santa Barbara and be empowered to challenge University policies on their behalf.
- Present the position of the Associated Students to the University’s administration concerning student rights, campus rules, and other areas of student conduct.
- Use information obtained from office-conducted polls regarding students’ opinions to act as a nonpartisan representative of the undergraduate student body.
- Oversee and ensure the stability of the polling process and presentation of poll results.
- In the event that the offices of the President, the Vice President for Internal Affairs, External Vice President for Local Affairs and the External Vice President for Statewide Affairs should become vacant, serve as President until a new President or Vice President for Internal Affairs, External Vice President for Local Affairs or External Vice President for Statewide Affairs is duly elected.
- Oversee the adherence to the Student Bill of Rights.
A Resolution to Update Article X of the Associated Students’ Constitution
- This constitutional amendment allows for the alteration of the elections schedule
A “Yes” vote is in favor of permitting the extension of the election period, at the discretion of the Elections Board and Senate.
A “No” vote is in favor of maintaining the current election procedure
Do you approve of the amendments of Article X, Section 2. Executive Officers of the Constitution as follows:
Changes identified in bold
General Elections shall be completed by the fifth (5th) week of the Spring quarter, unless a reasonable and timely extension is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Election Board, following a ⅔ confirmation of the senate, in Consultation with the Executive Director. However, this extension shall not exceed the seventh (7th) week of the Spring quarter.