Please read and sign this agreement by the Declaration of Candidacy meeting. This agreement is due before the meeting begins.
I agree to attend the mandatory Declaration of Candidacy meeting on Monday, April 1 at 6pm. Details will be sent to me by email. If I am not able to attend due to a work/school conflict, I will notify the Elections Board in advance about my desire to send a proxy to the meeting.
I am aware that training on ethics and/or conflict management may be required for all candidates. If the training sessions will be held, I will be notified by the Elections Board. I understand that if I am notified about a training session, they are considered mandatory in order to run in the election.
I am aware of the actions that are in violation of Election Regulations, including illegal sign postings, improper leafleting (including libelous or fraudulent information on literature or signs), and unsolicited use of an electronic medium, such as cold calling or email spamming. More examples can be found on this page or in UCSB’s Elections Code. I understand that I may receive a warning for a first or second infraction, but a third infraction for any reason will result in automatic disqualification from the election. I am aware that I may be disqualified from the election for certain major infractions, including violations of local, state, or federal law, or violations of University of California policy, even if it is my first infraction.
I am aware that being elected and serving in the position requires that I maintain eligibility standards to serve and to receive honoraria.
If I post campaign material such as posters or signs, I am aware that I must remove all literature within five (5) days (One hundred twenty (120) hours) after the Election ends. If I refuse to remove my campaign material after being notified by the Elections Board, I am subject to additional penalties and/or further infractions.
RESIDENTIAL SENATORS ONLY: I am aware of the residential living requirement for residential senators (on-campus, off-campus, and university-owned housing), which says I must live within my constituency if the university is operating at full, in-person capacity. I understand that residency checks may be conducted at the start of each quarter and my candidacy is conditional upon the satisfactory completion of these residency checks. I understand that my seat will be vacated if it is found that I do not meet this requirement during the school year.
Associated Students |Â University of California, Santa Barbara