Jasmine Wang
On Campus Senator


Hey there, I’m JASMINE WANG, running to be your ON-CAMPUS SENATOR. As a Pre-Law student majoring in Psychological & Brain Sciences and as a daughter of immigrants, I believe in expanding and protecting all student rights. I will fight to INCREASE student worker wages, create better policies to safely LET IN DoorDash DELIVERERS & STUDENTS who FORGET KEYS to dorms, and FREEZE FEES: It’s unfair how prices shot up $1000+ for many housing plans in this 1 year! It must stop.
I’ll advocate to let us take MORE FOOD out of dining halls and stop meal swipes being wiped out every week if you don’t even use them all! I’ll communicate to improve maintenance and not let Portola’s dishwasher be broken for half a year. I’ll fight so that a dining hall is open on the 1st morning of school breaks since many of us traveling home will still be in SB then and could use an Ortega grab-and-go meal for the ride.
I have experience in the Office of Senate Leadership as a Pearman Fellow updating legal code.
I’m an International Student Engagement Chair & Hall Council member. I plan events to make all feel welcome & heard.
As President of an RCO (Registered Campus Organization), I grasp the difficulties of creating & maintaining our organizations, so I’ll work to streamline the process of setting up events.
As a DA for San Cat’s 1475 residents, I understand student needs and have already made changes. Before me, the desk didn’t provide this simple item: a can opener. People would leave the food bank with canned food, then have no way to eat! Instead of each of us buying a can opener, it’s much cheaper for our community as a whole if the desk has 1 or 2 available to all, so I helped allocate funds toward supplies you need and want.
As part of UCSB Pre-Law Society, I have a passion for law & governance. I’m a National Merit Finalist with 3 President’s Volunteer Service Awards because above all, I believe in serving my community.
YOU RANG? I’m JASMINE WANG. Here to make a bang.

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