My name is Dan Siddiqui and I’ve dedicated all three years of my UCSB experience to improving Associated Students into an institution that can address real issues for students and marginalized communities.
As a former Pearman Fellow, BCU Chair, and now First President Pro-Tempore of the Senate, I’ve seen how bureaucratic, inefficient, and broken our Association is from all perspectives.
To be honest, I’m angry. For the past several years, AS has failed its students. Our Administration has suppressed our speech and ability to organize while displaying a complete lack of financial transparency. WE as a student body deserve better. WE pay the most student fees of all UCs.
In a time of drastic upheaval domestically and worldwide, many of us are scared and uncertain about our future. Students need an Association that will protect their livelihoods, pockets, and well-being.
As a child of immigrants and a Muslim-American, I believe I have both the lived experience and institutional knowledge to transform our Association into the government we need at this moment.
CHANCELLOR SEARCH: Represented 23,000+ Undergrads on a UC Regents committee to select UCSB’s next Chancellor.
STUDENT ORG SUPPORT: Worked to eliminate paper requisitions and allow Honoraria, BCU expenditures, and RCO reimbursements to be done digitally.
SAFETY: Established non-violent alternatives to policing in Isla Vista like BlueLight Safety Towers.
STUDENT INVESTMENT: Distributed over $100,000 towards COVID-19 case surges, LA wildfire relief, and undocumented student aid.
EFFICIENCY: Restructured A.S. units to reduce budgetary waste and maximize support for vital services and at-risk students.
BCU SUPPORT: Establish Impact-Area based leaders between the President and BCUs to streamline communication.
HOUSING: Hold administration accountable for building affordable, high-quality housing for students.
FINANCIAL RELIEF: Maximize the value of current student fees, increase transparency, and eliminate waste.
BASIC NEEDS: Equitable distribution of AS Food Bank resources, on and off campus.
IG: @dansidducsb
Email: dsiddiqui@as.ucsb.edu
I’m committed to fighting for your best interests every single day. Vote for Dan to get the student experience you deserve!
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