Sandhya “Sandy” Ganesh
International Senator


Hello! My name is SANDHYA “SANDY” GANESH and I am running to be your next INTERNATIONAL SENATOR.

I am a second year Film and Media Studies Major and I am determined to help communities at UCSB feel more at home. As an international student who left to come to the States 2 years ago, I have come to learn of the many ways that the system has failed to accommodate our needs. Not only do we have to find classes and begin our academic journeys, we have to do it in a country and a system that we are unfamiliar with and we get little to no help doing so.

My plan is as follows:

-Increase accessibility to and understanding of RESOURCES available for international students.
Many times, even if there are resources available for food, health, housing and other needs, we are late to learn of them. I want to increase exposure to programs at UCSB for international students so that we can focus on our academic experience without having to worry about unfamiliar systems of operation for basic needs.

-Increase UNDOCUMENTED student representation in Associated Students.
The international student senator position was voted into existence by the AS Senate in 2020. We as students can shape our UCSB. I want to use this opportunity to increase representation for students with an undocumented status, something long overdue, especially given that UC Regents suspended the Opportunity for All campaign.

-Challenge HOUSING insecurity by demanding that our campus DIVESTS from war and INVESTS in our students.
Housing insecurity is very high in UCSB. International students often have it harder to find and acquire housing because we do not possess American documentation. We are amongst the highest tuition payers and the UC uses our money to profit by investing in weapon manufacturers, while we are hungry and un-housed. That WILL stop.

I am looking forward to serving every one of our students at UCSB and making an impact together.

Vote SANDHYA “SANDY” GANESH for International Senator!

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