Mariana Rosillo
University Owned Off-Campus Senator


Dear Fellow UCSB Students,

My name is Mariana Rosillo (She/Her), a Latina first-generation college student and a transfer from Diablo Valley College (DVC), and I am thrilled to be running to become your next University Owned Off-Campus Senator!

In 2017, I moved from Mexico to the United States. This change was not easy as I faced challenges such as learning a new language and adapting to a new place with a different culture. This, nonetheless, allowed me to discover a passion for advocating for my people to make a positive change.

During my time in college, I have had the opportunity to get involved in different roles that have helped me prepare for my continuous advocacy for my community. Here are my qualifications:
* Vice President of Executive Affairs at Associated Students of DVC
* DVC Delegate at the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC)
* Pearman Fellow under the External Vice President for Statewide Affairs (EVPSA)
* Student Community Representative for Student Apartment Community Council (SACC)
* Member at UCSB Lobby Corps

Living in the university-owned apartments is amazing as there is a welcoming environment; nonetheless, there is always room for improvement. As the University Owned Off-Campus Senator, my focus will be on supporting our university-owned apartment residents by nurturing a sense of community and bringing support for their success. My top priorities as a senator will be:
* Enhancing communication between the university-owned apartment community and Associated Students as well as among the different apartment communities
* Advocating for more student resources for our residents to ensure their continuous success

I look forward to representing and uplifting your voice to ensure your needs are heard and taken into consideration in any decision-making process. Remember, I am here to support you!

Thank you in advance for your support! Please, feel free to reach out at any time at

With gratitude,

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