Hi, I’m Eric Carlson, and I am running for Internal Vice President. I am a chemistry B.S. major with a love for pottery, and I understand Associated Students processes like no one else. I am a veteran in understanding the Associated Students legal system, which enables us to maximally fund student groups to the best of our ability.
The goal of a student leader should be to defend their students’ livelihoods and promote their wellbeing. I have been doing this my entire time in Associated Students. I have been an advocate for maintaining on campus student healthcare services, creating spaces for reflection, enhancing campus beautification initiatives, and providing services through the continual maintenance of student fees. For next year, we have specific issues that our leadership must address.
Financial policies need an overhaul. Right now, we do everything with pen and paper. It’s time for a digital upgrade. In order to implement a new system, the Vice President must be someone who is fluent in this systems.
Committees have been drafted, wiped, rewritten and replaced time and time again, and, with the Committee Rework Act that I authored and passed in Winter Quarter, I am the best candidate to oversee the implementation of a new system. This new system will dramatically improve accessibility of student leaders to the general student population. To elect me is to elect a smooth transition into a new government— let’s avoid swapping horses midstream.
Funding. Associated Students is at a pivot point— we sit on one of the largest student government budgets in the nation, at a staggering $16,000,000. It only gets higher every single year. We have an obligation to our students to continually reassess and evaluate these expenditures to maximally improve student wellbeing.
Serving as the Internal Vice President will be the injection of honesty and compassion that AS leadership currently needs. By voting Carlson, your student fees will be allocated responsibly, your government will have veteran representatives who already understand the rules, and your will enacted.
Help me help you transform this university into a better campus.
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