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My name is Sydney Yamanishi and I’m running for Off-Campus Senator. I am a second-year Political Science and Pre-Psychological and Brain Sciences double major.
This year, I have been a part of the AS President’s office, where I have held the position of Co-Mental Health Commissioner. In this position, I got the opportunity to put on the Mental Health Town Hall, attend Mental Health Task Force meetings with faculty, and collaborated with various BCUs. I’m also a part of PATH Club, where I volunteer at the homeless shelter downtown, preparing and serving food. I also joined the AS Book Bank that works to provide free textbooks to students.
As an off-campus senator, I want to help fix issues in Isla Vista, advocate for student voices, and improve transparency between government officials and the student body. To do this, I will:
- Work with Isla Vista Tenants Union to provide more information on how to deal with issues regarding off-campus housing
- Work to both increase the feeling of student safety, but also ensure that student safety is a focal thought in all decisions that are made
- Increase conversations in regards to mental health and ensure mental health resources are maximizing their benefits for students
- Increase transparency on what student funds are being used for
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