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Hi all! My name is Nicole Gabrielson, I am originally from San Diego, and I am currently in my 3rd year studying Political Science, Applied Psychology, and Technology Management. I am running for the position of Off-Campus Senator because of my dedication to making UCSB and Isla Vista a better, more inclusive and affordable place. Over the past two years I have served as the Vice President, Finance and Housing for Alpha Phi, which has given me a lot of experience managing finances as well as insight on the housing issues facing our community. My main goal is to protect tenant rights by pressuring leasing companies and the University against rent increases along with documenting their lack of responsiveness towards tenant needs. I hope to act as a voice for students and represent their opinions regarding housing needs and financial transparency. Moreover, my experience working as a legal assistant for the past year has opened my eyes to the injustices experienced in the traditional criminal justice system. I therefore plan to expand the Restorative Justice Program which works towards giving offenders for non-violent misdemeanor offenses an opportunity to find resolution within the community instead of receiving a criminal conviction on their record.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you have at nicolegabrielson@ucsb.edu! Thank you for your consideration and please vote Nicole for Off-Campus Senator:)
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