Nathan Lee
Student Advocate General


Hi beautiful people of UCSB,
I’m Nathan Lee (He/Him), a second-year Economics and History double major. I am running to be your next Student Advocate General.
As a senator who has been working on making university academic policy friendlier to students such as online summer classes, I know first-hand just how much unfair university policy can affect the student experience, as your next Student Advocate General, I’m firmly committed to continuing my advocacy work and strengthen the individual resources that the SAG office offer and help student challenge unfair actions from the university.
The office has been relatively unknown to students despite the valuable service it brings. I will increase the presence of our office within the student body and make sure everyone is given the proper resource to succeed.

A.S/Leadership Experience:
A.S Senator for University-Owned Off-Campus Apartment
Chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee
External/Senate Liaison for Investment Advisory Committee
President of San Rafael Hall.

As YOUR next Student Advocate General, I will focus on:
DEMANDING transparency and student input from the administration in all campus decisions affecting our students and community.
Taking on Advocacy work relating to Academic Policy.
Facilitate honest conversations between communities on campus.
Appoint Greek life Specialists in grievance, and Public Affair divisions of the office to foster a healthier relationship between students in Greek Life and the rest of the student population.
Advocate for investment in career service from the university administration.
Students deserve support, accountability, and transparency from UCSB. Let’s make UCSB a place for all students. Vote Nathan Lee for Student Advocate General!

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