Hey! My name is Sulai (Mudasir) Ahmad, and I am a third year Biological Sciences Major. I am excited to be running to be your next off-campus Senator at UCSB! In the past few years, I have worked hard as a Student Senator of my community college to uplift and improve the student experience. At UCSB, I understand our potential to grow and reform towards a campus experience that benefits everyone. I plan to IMPROVE our food quality in our dining experiences by working with the university and vendors; allocate funding for REPAVING bike paths; SECURE discounts for UCSB students for graduate school exam preparation materials; CONNECT our off-campus community to the resources of on-campus locations by working with the administration to create “pop-up shops” for essential student-needs; EXPAND the basic-needs resources available to the student body; and REPRESENT YOUR VOICE, to ensure that every student at UCSB can be themselves safely and freely. I am excited to be running to represent you and hope to improve your experience at UCSB, Off-campus and On-campus, and I cannot wait to get to work. Vote Sulai (Mudasir) Ahmad for Off-Campus Senator!
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