Joseph Quan
Collegiate Senator - Letters & Science


Hi everyone!

My name is Joseph Quan and I am a third-year Poli Sci major at UCSB! I am running to be one of your AS Senators for letters and science with the hopes that I can become more involved with our campus and help as many of my peers as I can! I understand that navigating college can be difficult for first-generation students like me and I want to try and use my experiences here as a student to help those who will come after me. UCSB so far has been an amazing experience and I want to make that experience better for everyone wherever possible and I want to advocate for the changes that YOU want to see for our campus.

One of my experiences here is working for a student-led sustainability organization on campus called PACES. This program gave me a lot of insight on sustainability and I want to use that experience to make our campus a leading example of sustainability in higher education.

As a student of UCSB, I want to make our university one that fits the description of prestigious higher education and will look for new ways to improve our lecture halls and provide more resources to improve our learning experiences on campus.

I am also very interested in niche topics that do not get brought up all that often for some on the campus and I want to make those voices heard in our senate. For example, I recently read about a concern a student had about our accessibility for disabled and injured students where maybe we can provide services such as transportation or resources for those affected. I want to bring these to our Senate as I believe that these concerns affect someone on our campus and deserve to be heard.

There are so many things I want to do to help improve your experience here on campus but above all, I want to hear what YOU want and how I can help! I am thrilled to take part in this election to be your next senator and I cannot wait to become more involved for our campus! Thank you and I hope for your vote!

Excited to be here!
Joseph Quan

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