My name is Jack Stein (He/Him/His), and I am a 3rd-year double major in Statistics & Data Science and Political Science. I have dedicated all three years of my UCSB experience to understanding, improving, and working to change the community and our student government. As your next AS president, I am determined to support all students in their pursuit of passion and education.
My Experience:
- As Vice Chair of CoC, I was responsible for interviewing, deliberating, and hiring dozens of AS members that shape our student government
- In the Office of Attorney General, I created 10+ pieces of legislation passed by AS Senate
- Developed a course for a non-profit intended to help low-income communities with grant writing to bridge income inequality gaps
And yet, I am angry.
In the past year alone, AS has failed its students. This Association has been audited for fraud, it has failed to deliver checks to the food bank, it has cut the budget of every organization, and it has forcibly removed the previous Internal Vice President for protesting her rights. WE as a student body deserve better. WE pay the highest student fees of all UCs. Year after year our executives refuse to accept blame. This is why I am running for President
Together we will:
- Fight to ensure all students' basic needs are fulfilled. I PLEDGE to expand the AS food bank, UCSB’s CalFresh program, Tech Support Programs, and other student initiatives because students should never be limited by status
- Support student organizations, cultural groups, and academic teams to ensure that they are given the funding they need because they provide INVALUABLE opportunities to the student body
- Assist in creating a BETTER requisition system so that students are not burdened financially by supporting our student government
- Work with university administration to get students EXPANDED funding and facilities access
I consider it an honor to represent you. So reach out anytime @jack.stein_ or email me at jackstein@ucsb.edu!
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