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Hey Gauchos!
My name is Gabriela Salazar. I’m a 2nd-year double major in Political Science and Latin American and Iberian Studies, and I’m running to be your next Letters and Science Senator!
As a first-generation college student, navigating college was difficult but, with the proper resources and support UCSB has become my second home and campus I deeply care about. As your next L&S senator, I am committed to making UCSB your second home where your voices are amplified, and your student fees continue to fund resources supporting you as a successful gaucho while creating a better college experience! I’ll take on the position with transparency and dedication to create a safe and welcoming environment to discuss the goals and concerns in our UCSB community. Based on my previous leadership roles uplifting and advocating for students of all backgrounds and working alongside departments to improve the quality and accessibility of resources, I have equipped the skills necessary to be a reliable L&S senator.
-Student Outreach Intern at the Undocumented Student Services
-AS Director of Dream Scholar Affairs
-USS Director Search Committee Student Representative
-San Nicolas 8th floor Representative
My Vision:
-ADVOCATE for more financial support and resources for low-income students of all backgrounds
-IMPROVE food accessibility by working with the dining halls to include another takeout location beside Ortega
-ADDRESS food insecurity by working with the library and Basic Needs to add Basic Needs Vending machines that only require an access card
-DEMAND adequate preparation for students to succeed in their major by bringing back preparatory courses for competitive classes
-PROPOSE an on-campus Student Health center to create more accessibility
-INFLUENCE projects to address the low-quality infrastructure around bike paths
-ELIMINATE Saturday exams for students to prioritize their wellbeing
YOU can count on me! Vote GABRIELA SALAZAR @g_salazar@ucsb.edu
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