As a third-year transfer student pursuing studies in political science, I will be coming into Associated Students as a much-needed fresh voice. The university needs substantive change and a student government focused on enhancing the student experience — and that’s the charge I plan to lead as your Internal Vice President.
My campaign is centered around transparency and accountability. It’s my belief that students deserve to know how their elected representatives are serving them — and precisely how student funds are being spent. That’s why I pledge to provide students with frequent budget reports and a weekly “Cristiani Report” detailing how I’m serving YOU.
I will enact changes that are widely popular among the student body. Such changes include lowering student fees, prioritizing student health and well-being, and shedding light on the inner workings of a bloated student government apparatus. Parking fees need to be streamlined, students should play a role in decision-making through polling, and the Office of the IVP should serve as a vehicle for bottom-up change led by students.
I know all too well the excesses of a student government that strays away from student needs. I have experience throughout multiple levels of student government — serving in numerous roles as Vice President of Student Life and Clubs at my alma mater, where I led committees that served as the voice of over 20,000 students. One of the things I’m most proud of is leading a community service initiative aimed at working to combat homelessness in my local community. I hope to utilize my extensive set of experiences and skill sets to better the entire UCSB community.
I hope I can count on your vote in this special election for the position of Internal Vice President.
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