Hello fellow Gauchos!
My name is Abby Weber and I am currently a third-year studying Philosophy and Economics here at UCSB. I am super excited at the opportunity to represent our community as a candidate for the off-campus senate position! In my past three years here I have become involved with a variety of many different clubs and organizations where I learned the value of a strong and bonded community. In the spring of 2022, I joined the professional fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta, where I honed my leadership skills through various positions that involved communication and outreach. I was elected by a group of my peers to act as a liaison between them and the active body, and this past year was elected to act as the chair of recruitment for PAD. Through these positions, I have learned just how important communication and collaboration are, especially through members of the same community.
This year it is my goal to expand community outreach through multiple ideas that I plan to implement if elected. Firstly, I plan to make our community a cleaner place. I want to clean up the streets of Isla Vista by advocating for an increase in waste management both on and off campus. I have noticed a lack of spaces available both for disposing of and for recycling waste, I plan to address this issue. In addition to this, I would like to make the area surrounding Isla Vista a safer place by working with the university and its services such as SASA and CARE to increase the presence of escorts and safety measures taken to protect the students who reside both on and off campus. I also believe that the Associated Student’s budget and transactions should be made more readily available for students to view online in a transparent manner, that way the community knows what issues are at the forefront and where their money is being allocated. This is a project, that if elected, I would like to take on in the upcoming year. Finally, I would like to expand the capabilities of online resources like Shoreline in order to make them more accessible and attractive for students to use. This way, more people are able to take advantage of the opportunities that we have to offer by getting involved with a community that caters to their interests.
The residents of our community deserve to be advocated for. These are all projects that, if elected, will be at the forefront of my campaign, and agenda to serve our community. I hope to meet the needs of all and provide a voice for those in our community who feel unseen or unheard. Thank you all for your consideration, and happy voting!
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