Hi everyone!
I’m Kristen Wu (she/her/hers), a second-year Statistics and Data Science major. I am running INDEPENDENTLY to be YOUR next Student Advocate General.
I have worked as both a Grievance and Conduct Case Worker, assisting students in resolving issues they had with the university. I helped connect them with campus resources and services. As the current Internal Head of Staff, I oversee and manage eight caseworkers in three different divisions. These positions have allowed me to gain unique insight into the diverse needs that this university has failed to meet for the student body.
As a first-year on-campus student, I struggled with navigating resources to support me mentally, physically, and academically. I know this is not an experience unique to me - many of my peers have been facing the same problems. With my 2-year experience in the office, I am confident in my ability to advocate for our needs as we navigate these tumultuous times together.
Office of the Student Advocate (OSA) Grievances Caseworker
Office of the Student Advocate Conduct Caseworker
Student Advocate General Internal Head of Staff
Human Rights Watch Board Events Coordinator
As YOUR next Student Advocate General, I will focus on:
DEMANDING transparency from the administration in all campus decisions affecting our students and community
PROTECTING survivors by continuing efforts to establish an undergraduate student committee in the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to address SVSH/sexual assault
ESTABLISHING a secure and confidential complaint form students will be able to utilize to report any grievances they have against entities like UCPD, Student Affairs, etc.
Students need support, accountability, and transparency from UCSB. Let’s make UCSB a place where all students feel welcome, seen, and heard! Vote KRISTEN WU as your #1 CHOICE FOR SAG! If anyone has any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to email me at kristenwu@ucsb.edu
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