Candidacy Statement
Throughout my life, I have always found myself searching for ways to improve the well-being of my community and the individuals who are a part of it. From working with locally based charities to helping lower-income individuals gain access to essential resources, I have found a passion for helping others. And as I have transitioned away from my small town and into the Santa Barbara community, I hope to continue my passion for helping others in my newfound home. The drive and passion I feel for improving lives are why I have decided to run for the position of UCSB transfer senator in the spring of 2022. My goal is to see not only an improvement in the lives of transfer students but also UCSB as a whole.
Like many others, I found the transition from community college to the university system quite challenging. Being a first-generation college student, I never had parental guidance on navigating the ins and outs of college. I hope to make sure every transfer student has access to the necessary tools and information that will not allow for a smooth transition but set them up for future success as a gaucho.
While these transitions can come across as overwhelming, there are several ways in which I plan to help new students begin their new lives as future gauchos. These include,
-Pushing for the increased advertisement of student resources around campus
-Working closely with the academic senate to push professors to inform students about available campus resources during the first weeks of class.
-Working closely with AS executive board to secure affordable hotel contracts
-Advocate for increased mental health awareness and programs for all UCSB students.
I cannot promise my fellow gauchos that things will change overnight or that every action proposed will be passed. But what I can promise is that I will devote 100 percent of my time, effort, and hard work to making a better campus for students and seeing that my passion can impact here at UCSB.
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