Faith Johnson
Collegiate Senator - Letters & Science
Storke Party (2021-22)


My name is Faith Johnson, I am a first-year environmental studies major. I am running to be your Collegiate Senator of Letters and Science with Storke Party. I currently serve as an On-campus senator for the 72nd senate. I also sit on the Santa Cruz Residence Hall Council as media coordinator. These positions at UCSB have allowed me to grow my leadership skills and passion for student government. Through these positions, I have been able to advocate for the student body specifically on-campus students.

As a senator, I plan to make UCSB a safer campus. In addition to physically making students feel safe at UCSB, I also want to make the atmosphere a more positive environment.
I hope to…
work closely with mental health peer programs as well as better advertising for UCSB wellness
increase funding for CAPS
increase awareness and funding for CSO.

Arriving at UCSB as a first-year student midst of a pandemic I struggled with my mental health. This led me to CAPS which I quickly realized was not as easy as I hoped it would be. I was saddened to realize I was not alone, many of my peers were also frustrated about how difficult it was to find CAPS and the long wait. Additionally, with the recent attacks in Isla Vista, I hope as a senator to make Isla Vista feel like a safe environment. No one should ever feel like they can not do something without the fear of being attacked. I know many students feel the winter quarter was unacceptable with the communication about this situation. As a senator, I hope to increase CSO escorts funding and awareness. Many people did not know about CSO until it was dangerous, and this should not be the case.

Remember to vote for Faith Johnson as your next Letters and Science Senator!

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