How’s it going Gauchos!
I’m Adam Majcher, a third year History/Political Science double major, I’m so excited to be running to be one of your next Off-Campus Senators with Storke party!
-Current Chief Financial Officer of Associated Students and Chair of Safe Transportation Taskforce
-Worked in the A.S. Offices of the President and Internal Vice President, Committee on Committees, and Isla Vista Arts
-Professional Fraternity Council representative for Phi Alpha Delta
-MONETARY & FUNDING TRANSPARENCY: Making Associated Students’ monetary system much more accessible and understandable for any organization that requests funding or a budget by creating a comprehensive and thorough guide and rewriting portions of Financial Policy to be clearer. This will make accessing Associated Students fees much easier to understand and accomplish for both A.S. and student groups.
-FINANCIAL CONSISTENCY: Assisting student and Associated Student groups that struggled during the pandemic to find their footing and creating historical data for organizations to be able to see how their budgets were spent in the past if any major future disruptions are to occur.
-STUDENT SAFETY: Continuing to spread awareness and brainstorm creative, student led solutions to the major issues of safety at or near campus, such as the Safe Transportation Taskforce, as well as fighting for better communication and accountability from UCSB when dangerous situations have or are taking place.
-OPPORTUNITY AWARENESS: Raising awareness about opportunities at UCSB by overhauling Shoreline to make it easier to navigate so students can view and learn about all the organizations on campus, spreading news about campus and organizations’ events by creating a widely accessible event schedule that can be accessed through apps like GoGaucho, and facilitating a more formal “club rush” where students can get easily get involved with student groups.
VOTE Adam Majcher for Off-Campus Senator!
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