Vincent Tran
Collegiate Senator - Letters & Science
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


What’s up y'all! My name is Vincent Tran, and I am super excited to be running to be YOUR Letters and Science Senator! I am currently a 2nd Year Chemistry Major from Anaheim, California, going by He/Him pronouns, and I am SO STOKED to be running with the Isla Vista Party.

Besides spending my time on organic chemistry (all I know is pain and Lewis structures), I currently serve as the Director of Student Life and Campus Communications for the Office of the Student Advocate and the Retention Director for KP’s FIERCE program where I connect with different parts of the campus community, and work with prospective Gauchos. My work within these underfunded communities has developed over time, especially with my service as an intern within Alexander Hamilton Scholars, a nation-wide non profit which provides resources to marginalized groups. As your L&S Senator, I hope to accomplish the following if elected:

-ADVOCATE for smaller class sizes and sections.
-EXPAND Caps Resources for students of color, and to make Acacia more accessible.
-PROMOTE a campus wide resource manual that will be given to all incoming students
-DEVELOP a transparent relationship between AS and all multi-cultural organizations on campus
-REALLOCATE FUNDS TO PROMOTE Anti-Blackness, mental health, and sexual assault awareness across all AS entities and staff on campus
-CALL for a fair pay for all campus employees, and bring back awareness to UCSB4COLA
-ALLOCATE and REVAMP funding to make testing material free and accessible to all students.
-PUSH for a fair meal plan, in which students are allowed to use their swipes in which they deem appropriate, to avoid food waste & proper swipe donations
-WORK with the UCSB Pantry to better spread awareness to students in the FIGHT against food insecurity.

I would like to be a resource for YOU. Please email me at to voice what YOU need here at UCSB. VOTE VINCENT TRAN as your #1 CHOICE for L&S SENATOR, and Vote ISLA VISTA PARTY!

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