Endorsed by:
Soha Sadeghinejad
On Campus Senator
Hello! My name is Soha Sadeghinejad and I’m looking forward to serving you as your next On-Campus Senator. My qualifications include serving as a proxy during the 70th AS Senate, being Vice Chair of IV Arts, being Secretary of Cotillion at UCSB, and being campaign manager for a former AS Senator. My goals are to have the 2022 UCSB graduation include the alumni of 2020 & 2021 as part of the ceremony to ensure all hardworking students receive the in-person graduation they deserve, support clubs, and lastly, ease transition back into in person for students by promoting events that will help students make connections. If you love any of these ideas, write in Soha Sadeghinejad for On-Campus Senator on GOLD April 19-23!
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