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Hey fellow Guachos!
My name is Jamison Evans and I'm a second year Environmental Studies and Political Science student and I’m very excited to be running as your next OFF-CAMPUS SENATOR with STORKE PARTY.
I’m in love with UCSB and Isla Vista and I want to help contribute to making our school experience the best it can be while also improving UCSB for ALL students. I would love to receive your vote so I can work within Associated Students to help make improvements for Isla Vista and the university.
Experience and Activities:
Co-Founder of UCSB’s Clean Consulting Club.
Social Chair for Men’s Club Water Polo
Floor Representative of Santa Cruz Hall Council
My Vision:
1. Create more OUTDOOR STUDY spaces on campus and throughout Isla Vista with access to charger ports in order to support students studying during the pandemic
2. Promote ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY by increasing University and Isla Vista wide composting, decreasing food waste, holding the university accountable for reaching carbon neutrality goals, and working with off campus organizations to promote environmental justice.
3. Advocate for REAL and EFFECTIVE mental health resources from the university such as increased access to the Rec Center, more funding and counselors for CAPS, and other physical programs
4. Increase Associated Students TRANSPARENCY in order for the common gaucho to access underutilized resources
5. Remove UNETHICAL items from campus dining commons such as shark cuisines
Remember that even during these tough times that as Gauchos we will rise above. Stay safe, happy, and healthy and VOTE JAMISON EVANS for OFF-CAMPUS SENATOR and VOTE STORKE PARTY.
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