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Bee Schaefer
Internal Vice President
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hello Everyone!
I am BEE SCHAEFER (she/her), and I am currently a third year biology major from Los Angeles. I am running to be YOUR next INTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT with the ISLA VISTA PARTY!

Being a part of Associated Students the past two years has allowed me to not only be an advocate for students, but also learn about how A.S. can be improved. As IVP, I hope to make Associated Students more accessible, especially for students who have only experienced a remote UCSB. As your 71st University Owned Apartments Senator this year, I have helped our community navigate through recognizing the outstanding and extenuating circumstances of students with marginalized identities.

I have advocated for the recognition and support of the physical, mental, and social impacts of online instruction during the pandemic, and also the condemnation of all acts of discrimantion and harassment of marginalized groups. I hope to continue to foster an environment that supports and uplifts all UCSB students. Whether it be over zoom or on campus. I want to build and strengthen our Community.

University Owned Apartments Senator
Chair of the AS Internal Affairs Committee
EVPSA UCweVote Campus Coordinator
RHA Programing Vice President
Manzanita Hall President

FACILITATE the reopening and revitalization of UCSB’s campus
DEVELOP a biweekly newsletter to inform students on Senate legislation to improve A.S. transparency.
OVERSEE efforts to increase diversity and retention within Associated Students
PROVIDE TIMELY COMMUNICATION about all decisions, actions, and work that occurs within Associated Students
FOSTER more opportunities for Non-A.S. students to get involved and get ahead in their career development, academics, and community service.
EXPAND the Pearmen Fellowship to include ALL new students to UCSB.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me: Vote BEE for INTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT and vote ISLA VISTA PARTY!