Hey Gauchos! My name is Yuval Cohen and I’m a second-year Political Science and Middle East Studies double major. I’m running to be YOUR next Off-Campus Senator with Campus United! I am lucky to be a part of such an amazing community at UCSB, and I’m even more lucky to be able to call it home. While Isla Vista is an incredible place, it has its fair share of problems. I am determined to represent the student body and meet their needs in order to make our school and community a better place for everyone! I fell in love with UCSB from the moment I arrived, and I want to use this passion to improve our school.
My Experience:
-Fellow for the AS Office of the President
-Fellow for the AS Human Rights Board
-UC Advocacy Network Student Ambassador for UC Santa Barbara
-Director of Dream Scholar Affairs for the AS Office of the President
-Collegiate member of Alpha Chi Omega
My Vision:
-ASSIST Undocumented Student Services in raising immigration awareness on campus
-EXPAND the Mental Health Town Hall with the AS Office of the President
-PARTNER with the UCPD, IVFP, and CSD to provide self defense classes for students
-PROVIDE students with free printing on Web Print that renews each quarter
-COLLABORATE with the Isla Vista Compost Collective to provide more compost bins throughout Isla Vista and in homes
-GROW the A.S. Food Bank services by holding pop-up events for students living in Isla Vista
-INCREASE A.S. transparency by incorporating students through A.S. education events
-COMMUNICATE directly with professors to create online access to textbooks in order to increase availability to students
I want to advocate for you! If you have any questions or ideas, don’t hesitate to email me at ycohen@ucsb.edu. Remember to VOTE Yuval Cohen as your #1 choice for Off-Campus Senator and VOTE CAMPUS UNITED! Together, we can make WAVES!