Ryan Stofer
On Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hey Gauchos! My name is RYAN STOFER (He/Him/His) from OC and I am a first year Mathematics major. I'm happy to say that I am running with Isla Vista Party to be your next ON-CAMPUS SENATOR! When in office, I will be devoted to making change for all students and representing marginalized voices across campus.


For this past year, I have been involved with both RHA and Hall Council for one of the residence dorms, Santa Catalina North. In RHA, I dealt with planning events for ALL ON-CAMPUS residents and also handled funding requests that originate from our own housing fees. I was also co-president for my dorm which helped me gain experience in leading discussions including smaller funding requests for our own building.

Now, let’s discuss my plan that I call: “D.R.E.A.M.”

DISTRIBUTION OF TESTING MATERIALS: I aim to both increase the distribution amount by adding machines in Far Side and some near San Cat and to include a program that distributes free testing materials for those in need.

ROLL-OVER SWIPES IN DINING COMMONS: I plan on working with Dining Services to make this an option for all students. In addition, this implementation WILL NOT raise the prices of our other current meal plan options.

EXPANSION OF CLAS: CLAS has always been a great resource for students, but is always over-crowded. As such, I plan on expanding services through more one-on-one services and funding support.

ACCESSIBILITY FOR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: Although CAPS is a great service all students have access to, the availability ranges throughout the year due to high demand. As such, I want to have office hours available for ALL On-Campus residents.

MENTORSHIP PROGRAM FOR FIRST GEN: I would like to establish a one-on-one mentorship program that can be available for ALL On-Campus students. Of course, the cost of this program WILL NOT raise tuition or housing prices for any student.

Thank you for reading and be sure to vote RYAN STOFER for your next ON-CAMPUS SENATOR!

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