Hey Gauchos!
My name is ROSEY LAVERY and my pronouns are she/her/hers. I’m beyond excited to be running with the Isla Vista Party to become your next COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE SENATOR. I am an Irish American first generation college student from the one and only San Francisco, California. As a third year Communication Studies major, I am ready to represent our student body and make both positive and necessary changes on our campus. My previous position as the Recruitment & Marketing Director of my sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, has taught me what skills are essential to become a leader amongst my peers. I want to bring those same skills with me to represent ALL my UCSB peers as YOUR next Letters & Science Senator.
-EXPANDING CLAS to have one-on-one tutoring services at both Davidson Library and the University Center.
-CREATE a website where students can plan potential schedules for upcoming quarters. Students would be able to search through available courses to add, delete, and favorite courses that they are interested in taking.
-COLLABORATE with department heads to offer students, in all fields of studies, access to workshops that will teach skills they won’t find in the classroom, but are necessary to succeed in their field post graduation (i.e., Excel, Adobe, How to Network, etc.)
-BRING awareness to A.S. resources on campus. For instance, the Book Bank offering free textbook rentals and the women’s health vending machine in the Pardall Center.
-PROMOTE diversity and representation on our campus by encouraging departments to hire professors from historically underrepresented groups in our community and also bring new ideas to our curriculum.
-SUPPORT student health by collaborating with CAPS to make announcements in class during midterm and finals seasons about healthy study habits and resources.
Together we will thrive. Vote ROSEY LAVERY as your #1 L&S SENATOR and vote ISLA VISTA PARTY!