I Gau-cho back if you got mine!
My name is Nathan Le. I am a second year Mathematics Major, and I am super stoked to announce that I am running to be YOUR next Off-Campus Senator with Campus United!
Isla Vista is our home away from home. It holds a unique culture that is incomparable to any other college town out there. Like you, I understand that with so many different backgrounds, many minority groups may be overlooked. As your Off-Campus senator, I want to give a voice to everyone so we as a community can have the best time here at UCSB.
Past Experiences:
-Student Hall Council of Anacapa
-Philanthropy chair of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity
-Current secretary of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity
What I can do for YOU:
W-ell Being
CREATE more community engaging events that bring all the residents of Isla Vista closer, such as an annual Holiday House decoration contest.
LAUNCH community events that help provide assistance/supplies to the homeless population within IV
A-cademic Distinction
INITIATE a donation center where the IV community can donate/receive school supplies and other necessities so students can focus more on their academics
V-ital Resources
ENHANCE the visibility of off/on campus events by constructing digital billboards in IV that display information for all students.
EXPAND the UCSB Food Bank that is currently only within the UCEN into Isla Vista for those that may deal with food insecurities.
DEVELOP more events + the creation of more safe spaces within the A.S. Pardall Center for minority groups such as Asian Americans and the LGBTQ+.
ESTABLISH Blue-Light Emergency towers within Isla Vista for a stronger sense of security amongst the community
Feel free to email me with any questions, comments or concerns at nathanle@ucsb.edu! Vote NATHAN LE as your #1 Off Campus Senator and vote CAMPUS UNITED down the entire ballot! Together let’s make W.A.V.E.S!