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My name is Lea Toubian (she/hers) and I can’t wait to serve as your next UCSB AS President.
I know I’m the most qualified candidate on the ballot. I’ve served as the President’s Chief of Staff since June, making me the only candidate who has ever worked in the office. Not only that, but I fully trained and transitioned the current interim President, and I know the ins and outs of the position better than anyone.
As the current President's Chief of Staff, I've led the AS COVID-19 Response Task Force, which gave $300 grants to over 450 students, and counting. During regular meetings with Chancellor Yang, the President and I advocated for the extension of the Pass/No Pass grading deadline in December and a number of other student needs. Through projects like the Basic Needs Vending Machine and Mental Health Task Force, we’ve made progress on basic needs and mental health advocacy. Under my leadership, our office has done all this and much more. I’m running because I know I can continue the work of the office in a way that best serves the student body and current staff.
- Current A.S. President Chief of Staff
- Chair of the COVID-19 Task Force: Provided over 450 students with $300 emergency grants and worked with organizations like La Familia Des Colores, Environmental Justice Alliance, A.S. SCORE, Food Not Bombs, and more to provide resources to those most in need during these trying times.
- A.S. Senator of the Year 2018-2019
- Secretary of UCSB Campus Democrats, 2018-2019
- External Director of AS Lobby Corps, 2018: Successfully PREVENTED a UC-wide tuition hike, resulting in a $62 tuition REDUCTION
- Chief of Staff, AS Office of the Internal Vice President 2019-2020
CONTINUE to fight for increased emergency relief including the extension of Pass/No Pass and other grading exceptions, expansion of on-campus COVID-testing and study spaces, while working on safe, detailed, and efficient vaccine distribution and re-opening plans. Most importantly, it is my priority that these resources are accessible to marginalized and underrepresented students.
UTILIZE my existing relationships with the Chancellor, Academic Senate, and other University Administration to advocate for and amplify the voices of the student body— primarily on issues like reducing student fees, police relations, and remote instruction.
COMPLETE ongoing projects like the Basic Needs Vending Machine for food-insecure students and the implementation of Lightbox Therapy on campus.
FOUND the AS Voices Scholarship to make student government more accessible to low-income students.
INVITE student organizations that support survivors of sexual assault, AS Leaders, and OSL Greek Life to address issues within student government and the greater UCSB campus and develop specific policies that create a safe and empowering space for all.
BUILD a safe and productive quarterly working group for student leaders to discuss and collaborate on real solutions for our most divisive issues, like campus political parties. We owe it to ourselves and the student body to repair the hurt caused by years of toxicity, to bridge the divides between us, and to form a united student government that works together, not against each other.
I recognize that yet another AS election has left the student body frustrated and, frankly, sick of hearing about student campaigns. At a time when the world is facing unprecedented chaos, students have been forgotten and left to bear serious burdens on our mental, emotional, and financial well-being. The last year has shown us that we need STRONG, CAPABLE, and HONEST leaders who are going to represent ALL of our voices at the table.
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