My name is Lea Toubian (she/hers) and I’m running to be YOUR next External Vice President of Local Affairs with Campus United!
First, I want to acknowledge the serious burdens placed on our mental, emotional, and financial well-being as students during the current pandemic. This crisis has shown that we need STRONG, CAPABLE, and HONEST leaders who are going to represent our voices. I’m lucky to have spent the last three years dedicated to our community, and I will make it my goal to improve the experiences of everyone in this special place we call home.
AS Senator of the Year 2019
Secretary, UCSB Campus Democrats
External Director, AS Lobby Corps: PREVENTED a UC-wide tuition hike
Chief of Staff, AS Office of the Internal Vice President
FIGHT for increased emergency resources including rent relief, wage security, and improved disaster prevention plans. These will be the first issues I address in office because I understand the implications of this crisis if we do not tackle it immediately.
ADDRESS cliff erosion on Del Playa by pressuring SB County to enforce bluff studies, working with IVTU to hold landlords responsible, and providing relief to those affected.
PROACTIVE, not reactive, action against sexual assault and domestic violence by requiring Green Dot Training for all students, pressuring administration to adequately and publicly address incident reports, and magnifying awareness of survivor resources.
CREATE a Naloxone training program to enable students to save the lives of overdose victims.
RECLAIM Isla Vista by working with the CSD and CSOs to decrease police presence during major IV weekends and bridge the gap between us and the police.
AMPLIFY our voices by promoting 2020 voter registration efforts.
INCREASE study areas by creating solar-powered wifi-enabled outdoor study spaces in IV.
ADVANCE our zero-waste mission by collaborating with the IV Compost Collective and AS Department of Public Worms to establish more compost bins.