Hello, everyone!
My name is Kyremina “Ky” Youssef and my pronouns are she/her/hers. I am a first-gen third year double majoring in Sociology and Environmental Studies. I am running to be your next off-campus senator with the Isla Vista Party!
The passionate experiences and work that I’ve done in the past:
✔ Served as a women's center volunteer in the WGSE department (Womens, Gender & Sexual Equity)
✔ Currently serving as founder and President of Intersectional Feminists at UCSB which is an activist organization that surrounds intersectionality: educates, produces visibility, and stands in solidarity with marginalized communities. We support protection of mauna kea, the me too movement, and black lives matter.
✔ Quarterly Work: Menstrual Product Drives for homeless communities & program with Underground Scholars (USSB) that focuses on school-to-prison pipeline connections!
✔ Apart of the Sexual Assault Task Force produced by administration in response to violence within our community
Together we can accomplish:
▢ Emphasizing for more diversity and inclusivity within higher education in ALL spaces
▢ Provide resources and support for formerly incarcerated students, students that are undocumented, and students with disabilities. (Creating a liaison between professors and students with hearing disabilities and ensuring subtitles are always provided)
▢ Ensuring more spaces on campus that accept CalFresh such as the corner store and coral tree Cafe.
▢ Accessibility: Bring to View the list of resources on campus that are not often spoken about such as the SMERF (Student Medical Emergency Relief Fund). This can be simply a page of google docs that is made public!
With your vote, I will continue to uplift and fight for the intersectional communities with immense amounts of passion. Using this platform, I want to empower YOUR voices. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any reason: kyremina@ucsb.edu
Vote Kyremina ‘Ky’ Youssef for Off-Campus Senator with IVP!