Hello to my fellow Gauchos! My name is Kelly and I want to be your next Student Advocate General. As the ONLY candidate who has actual experience as a student caseworker in the SAG office, I am uniquely qualified as knowing first-hand where our need for growth lies. As a Student Conduct Caseworker last year, I worked with countless students who came in, most of whom having no idea what our office even did before being referred to us. I will make this office the first step for any students facing troubles at UCSB as the resources we offer can be critical to student success. I loved being a caseworker and I know that this office deserved unbiased and genuine concern. When I return to office I will:
DEMAND support for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ students through events, outreach programs, and connections within the clubs and organizations themselves including consideration for the need for COVID-safe participation. With partnership through these programs, we will set up a system for SAG members to attend a set number of events for these orgs to better understand the needs of these communities and to finally start an active dialogue between the SAG office and marginalized students.
FOCUS on accessibility for all students by setting up a 24/7 hotline directly tied to me and my exec for students in distress so our resources can be accessed immediately no matter where Covid has sent them. No more submitting messy forms and hearing back a week later. You will be matched and scheduled with a caseworker immediately.
EMPHASIZE compassion and empathy for every student who walks (or zooms) through our doors. We need kindness and genuine appreciation for students. This office deserves to be a safe space for everyone and that starts with a staff who cares.
GROW the office through events, student support networks, marketing, social media presence, and even increased giveaways. I plan to utilize our full budget to help students to the greatest capacity.
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