Hi Gauchos!
My name is Karsten Kolbe, and I am a second-year Political Science and Global Studies double major. I am excited to announce I’m running to be YOUR next Off-Campus Senator with Campus United!
Isla Vista is the biggest little town, and what a blessing it is to live here while we attend UCSB. There’s no other place where you can grab some Freebird nachos and a yerb and head down to the beach for a quick study break. As great as it is though, IV isn’t perfect. As an Off-Campus Senator, I want to make IV the best place it can be, accommodate and reach out to every student, and increase the quality of life we experience in IV.
Qualifications and Accomplishments:
- Office Assistant for the Orfalea Family Children’s Center
- Co-Director of Intra-Fraternal Affairs for Delta Gamma Sorority
Kept members informed of community and campus activities, specifically volunteer opportunities
- Asian and Pacific Islander Scholars Floor Representative for Anacapa’s Hall Council
- Member of Delta Gamma Panhellenic Sorority
My Goals:
CREATE a comprehensive and accessible website for those that own animals in IV to find good quality and affordable vet care, pet stores, pet-walking services, etc.
TACKLE food insecurity by establishing an AS Food Bank in IV and circulate knowledge of other food programs available
ACHIEVE better mental health for all students and how to access that care in and out of IV and expand the Mental Health Town Hall program
ESTABLISH a Rate-My-Landlord program and provide information on how to battle these landlords and what the legal process consists of
IMPROVE the level of sustainability in the IV community by having stricter guidelines for recycling and collaborate with Isla Vista Compost Collective to provide more compost bins in IV
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at karsten@ucsb.edu. Let’s keep making UCSB and Isla Vista the best place to live. Vote Karsten Kolbe as your #1 Off-Campus Senator and VOTE CAMPUS UNITED!