Hey Gauchos!
My name is Gurleen Pabla and I’m a first-year political science major running to be YOUR next On-Campus Senator!
Living on campus this year has given me a lot of insight into not only how campus resources work, but also how many we are lacking. There are always areas in which we can improve, and with your vote, I hope to give a voice to everyone living on campus to refine and enhance life YOUR here at UCSB!
Member of San Rafael Residence Hall’s hall council
Worked with YLI leadership group to give a voice to high school students in their district
High school Track and Field team captain for 2 years
Organized multiple programs including events for students with special needs
What I can do for YOU:
REVITALIZE UCSB’s mental health care facilities such as CAPS to improve access and quality for those in need
REFORM the usage of student tuition from decorational buildings to necessary infrastructure (bike paths, advanced wifi, educational facilities)
EXPAND transparency of what tuition costs are funding so students have easy access to understanding what their money is doing to support their higher education
SECURE cleaning agents throughout campus such as hand sanitizing stations and wipes for desks in public areas susceptible to dangerous bacteria
ASSESS textbook inflation and accessibility rates to ensure that students are charged no more than what is necessary for their education
SUPPORT small clubs and resources throughout campus that offer benefits to all students through outreach programs and campus funding that keep organizations afloat
MODIFY campus security with cameras in bike parking areas and work with Campus PD and CSO’s to guarantee that safety resources are always ready and available to anyone in need
EMPHASIZE the power of student voice; your opinions matter and I am here to support you!
VOTE Gurleen Pabla as your #1 choice for On-Campus Senator, and VOTE Campus United! Together, we can make waves!