My name is Emanuel (Manny) Roman, my pronouns are He/Him/His, & I am thrilled to run and serve as YOUR next OFF-CAMPUS SENATOR with Isla Vista Party. I am a third-year who is originally from San Diego. I am also a proud First-Gen, Latinx student who is double majoring in Sociology & Feminist Studies.
UCSB is made up of many different backgrounds. We, as students, have the POWER and ABILITY to create tangible CHANGE. Many of us suffer from food insecurity, lack of accessibility & resources, visibility, and representation. This HAS to improve; it is imperative. As someone who is PASSIONATE about what I believe in, by serving as YOUR next off-campus senator, I will bring forth REPRESENTATION and help give that PLATFORM for other marginalized students. I want ALL Gauchos to have the necessary tools to succeed, both academically and in their everyday lives.
In my second year, I served on A.S. Queer Commission as Outreach Coordinator.
I am currently serving as the Vice (Pride) Co-Chair.
I also am currently the Educational Coordinator of A.S. S.C.O.R.E. (Student Committee on Racial Equity).
INSTALLING emergency-light stations around IV.
WORK with the office of the President and the Transportation & Parking Services (TPS) to configure cost-efficient solutions of on-campus parking for students.
EXPAND the Metro Services by working with Santa Barbara MTD to allow those off-campus more efficient and quicker access onto campus, without worrying whether the buses are too full.
UNITE with the RCSGD, EOP, Food Bank, and the Financial Crisis team to create easier and more tangible access to provide more meal-tickets for those in need.
INTEGRATE with the Isla Vista Housing Crisis Coalition & Isla Vista Tenant Union to help lower the overall costs of rent in IV.
COLLABORATE with A.S. Bike Shop to provide a once-a-year grant (ex: Bike Replacement Grant) that will allow a person to choose a bike of their choice from what is available.