Endorsed by:

Connie  Huerta
Off Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hey y’all!
I’m Connie Huerta(she/her), a 3rd year, first-generation Nicaraguan, Promise Scholar student studying Sociology and Black Studies with a minor in Spanish from Hayward, CA and I am running to be your next AS Off-Campus Senator with Isla Vista Party! Throughout my time at UCSB I have crossed paths with many passionate and strong-willed students that enhance how amazing this school can be. Everyone on this campus has something to contribute, a voice that deserves to be heard, and everyone is here for a reason. Gearing through higher education is difficult enough and there is no reason why anyone should feel alone in the process. That being said, the university could use improvements to ensure students have a much more enjoyable experience, particularly for communities traditionally marginalized and alienated, as this should not be a discouraging environment, but one that provides support for success and growth
-AS Student Initiated Recruitment & Retention Committee:Recruitment Committee as a mentor at Santa Barbara high schools(2018-19)
-AS Student Commission On Racial Equality Co-Outreach Coordinator(2018-19)
-AS Student Commission On Racial Equality Co-Chair(2019-20)
-School Kids Investigating Language in Life & Society, Mentor at Santa Barbara High School in English Language Development Class(Winter 2020)
-ADVOCATE for a safer environment by minimizing the role of the police on campus in order to take into account the experiences of those who have been negatively affected by police
-EXTEND meal swipes to non-dining hall locations and allow students to swipe in friends with no extra charge in efforts to combat food insecurity on campus
-COLLABORATE with organizations who engage with surrounding areas, such as SCORE who implemented a clothing exchange for students and the entire Isla Vista, including families, those economically burdened, and the houseless community
Vote CONNIE HUERTA as #1 choice for OFF-CAMPUS Senator & vote IV PARTY! 🙂

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