Endorsed by:

What’s good Gauchos! I’m Catherine Flaherty, and I am running to be YOUR next OFF-CAMPUS Senator with Campus United!
I know that the switch to online classes has changed the rest of our experience this year. We recognize there’s a lot we wish were different. But, from sunsets at Sands and late nights fueled by Yerbs in the lib, we’re all proud to live in Isla Vista and be students at UCSB. Through my experience in Associated Students, I am committed to improving our lives on and off campus by creating tangible change for every member of our community.
- Executive Assistant and Director of Alumni Relations in the office of the AS President
- Intern at the UCSB Alumni Association
- Student-At-Large Representative of the AS Committee on Honoraria
- Santa Rosa Hall Council Representative
- Partner with the IV TENANTS UNION and promote their RATE MY LANDLORD system to ensure renting experiences are TRANSPARENT
- HOST Town Halls with the IV POLICE DEPARTMENT to improve relations between students and our police
- REINVENT the Pardall Center to be a hub for students where they can access critical resources and PROMOTE local events to increase community
- WORK with CSOs to make sure you are safe both ON and OFF campus, whether it’s a late night at the lib or on DP
- Improve EMERGENCY RESPONSES and learn from the Cave Fires and COVID-19 pandemic to create a CENTRAL GUIDE where students access resources to alleviate housing, food, educational, and health insecurities
- SUPPORT SURVIVORS of sexual assault through confidential resources and EDUCATE the community through prevention and awareness
- Continue the MENTAL HEALTH Town Halls to strengthen resources and education
- LOWER textbook prices and urge professors to go ONLINE so that materials are accessible for ALL
I would be honored to serve you next year. VOTE Catherine Flaherty as your #1 choice for Off-Campus Senator and VOTE Campus United!