Cade Breslin

Cade Breslin
Student Advocate General


Hey everyone! My name is CADE BRESLIN and I’m a 4th year Political Science major and Chemistry minor running to become your next STUDENT ADVOCATE GENERAL. The SAG is the executive position that will benefit YOU the most. I want someone who genuinely cares about the students in positions of power at OUR university. The reason for this special election is because our last Student Advocate General resigned in September because they didn't think they had the time to be the best SAG and serve the students to the best of their abilities. The care they showed, even after winning the seat, to give it up because they knew that someone was better suited is the exact type of SAG we need at UCSB and that is why I am running.
What will I do as your SAG:
1. I will work with the students, university, and executive board to discuss tuition and financial aid adjustments due to the COVID-19 pandemic
2. Reduce consequences and disciplinary actions taken by the university during ZOOM quarters (I had several friends accused of cheating, who weren’t, and the university took disciplinary action against them and they felt helpless)
3. Campus education of how the SAG and Office of the Student Advocate can help students who are struggling through various issues by outreaching with freshmen and transfer students, as well as the other undergraduate students
4. Facilitate awareness and inclusion for underrepresented parts of the student population
As a senior at 19, I am not only motivated to achieve my goals, but to help my fellow Gauchos achieve yours by serving you to the best of my ability as YOUR Student Advocate General. If you didn’t know what the Student Advocate General or the OSA was, then that is why you should vote for me. I will ensure that students on campus have all the necessary knowledge, resources, and outreach they need to succeed. There is a lot potential with this office to better the lives of Gauchos and I plan to use every resource at my disposal to achieve this.

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