Hi Gauchos! I’m Beau Karnsrithong and I’m running to be the External Vice President of Statewide Affairs (EVPSA) w/Campus United! As your EVPSA, my job is to ensure that your voice is heard on statewide and national issues. Currently serving in the EVPSA office, I want to continue my work by advocating on issues personal to you. Our campus is constantly affected by changes in system-wide policies. I want to ensure that students are both knowledgeable of these issues and feel empowered to participate.
Experience: Voter Registration Coordinator for the EVPSA Office, Anacapa RA, Founding Member of the GauchosVote Coalition, API Cultural Program Mentor, RHA Manzanita Rep at Large
What B.E.A.U Will Do For You:
BUILD upon the current work of the EVPSA office. I will elevate the existing work by proceeding with actions such as opposition to the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea. I’ve learned in my conversations with past EVPSAs that the work doesn’t end with my term. I pledge to lay the foundation for students to have a voice forever.
ENGAGE the student body with a platform to address UC wide issues. Specifically, increase civic engagement on campus so students have the opportunity to enact positive change. My goal is to increase our voting rate, through collaboration with campus orgs, and break the current record of having 40% of students being registered to vote!
ALLOW ACCESS to the student body of the office’s resources that are paid for by your student fees. I will create transparent access to my office’s budget so that it is readily available for students to use for statewide and federal advocacy. Accountability comes from the public as well so expenditures will be viewable on our website.
UNITE the campus with marginalized communities by increasing support for cultural orgs/clubs and their initiatives. Communities all over campus offer many enriching perspectives that need to be echoed. These communities can always rely on my office for the support they deserve.