Hi gauchos!
I'm ALIA REYNOLDS, I use she/her pronouns & I am so excited to be YOUR next External Vice President of Statewide Affairs with the Isla Vista Party! I am originally from the Sacramento area & am currently a 3rd year double majoring in Global Studies & Philosophy, with an emphasis in Ethics and Public Policy. I am running to use my voice to uplift the voices of ALL students through statewide policy which is inclusive and understanding of the diverse needs & experiences of UCSB students.
I currently serve as President of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Students Against Sexual Assault, Director of the UCSB SASA Chapter & the Undergrad Rep for the UC-Wide Title IX Student Advisory Board. These positions allow me to act as a liaison between students, UCSB administration, the systemwide Title IX office, & state legislative offices.
ORGANIZED students against negative state & federal policies, such as the Department of Education’s Proposed Amendments to Federal Title IX policies
LOBBIED for policies in alignment with student interests, including helping facilitate the first ever Sexual Assault Awareness Month Lobby Day
FACILITATED conversations with UCSB administration leading to agreements to better serve student survivors
INCREASE the accessibility of Financial Aid & other financial assistance options
PROTECT student survivors’ rights by fighting to uphold Obama-era Title IX policies & procedures
PRIORITIZE student need by reallocating money given to private and international companies to increase funding of student resources
CREATE more mental health resources by expanding the funding of CARE & CAPS & requiring more diverse staff which recognize intersectionality
LOBBY for policies that reflect the wants of students, including requiring the diversification of the UC Board of Regents & a reduction in their salaries
You can help make these changes possible by casting your vote with the Isla Vista Party for ALIA REYNOLDS as YOUR new EVPSA!!