Endorsed by:
Hello! My name is Adam Majcher, I am a first year Political Science and History double major, and I am running to be your next ON-CAMPUS SENATOR!
My Experience:
-Worked closely with and participated in the Associated Students Fellowship Program as a fellow to Senator Tyler Ferguson
-Have been a Proxy for multiple Senators at weekly Senate meetings
What I will do as a Senator:
-REVAMP CAMPUS SECURITY measures by creating an app for Gauchos that has an emergency button, allowing local authorities to be notified and immediately come to your location.
-OVERHAUL the CAMPUS CLUB advertisement system to create a better, functioning website for Clubs, adding CLUB EVENTS to the Go Gaucho calendar, and having larger, longer CLUB RUSH events!
-EXPAND COMMUNITY EVENTS and CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT by holding more events on campus and in Isla Vista, and making advertising events easier and more widespread!
-FIGHT for lower textbook prices, lower tuition, the providing of more scholarship opportunities, and more easily available economic plans for things such as student loans.
-FUNNEL funds into MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES such as CAPS which are frequently overwhelmed, and expanding resources available to victims of physical, sexual, or emotional assault.
-COMBAT FOOD INSECURITY by making MEAL SWIPE DONATIONS easier, and GUARANTEE an affordable MEAL PLAN for every student, so that no Gaucho goes to sleep hungry.
I’m so incredibly excited to serve and represent my fellow UCSB undergraduate students! Please rank me, ADAM MAJCHER, as your NUMBER ONE choice for ON-CAMPUS SENATOR!