Endorsed by:

Hello everyone! I’m Adam Bagul, a first year History of Public Policy and Law major from South Orange County, CA and I’m running to be your next On-Campus Senator.
My experience:
As San Rafael Hall Council President I’ve learned much about the problems that are common with on-campus students & the resources needed to solve them
Worked as a Desk Attendant in San Rafael Residence Hall
As a Marine I have served active duty while on deployment and continue to serve on reserve status
With your vote I promise I will work to:
DIMINISH parking costs through collaboration with the Office of Transportation & Parking Services
URGE the UCSB to add more compost bins on campus in order to help our campus reach our zero waste goal
ADVOCATE for student veterans by putting pressure on university administration to hire the necessary staff and implement the proper resources our veterans deserve
PUSH for access of the FREE 200 pages per quarter to include the ResNet printers in the Residence Halls
I’m incredibly excited to serve UCSB and dedicate myself to making this campus better for all students. Please rank me as your NUMBER ONE choice for ON-CAMPUS SENATOR!!