Endorsed by:

Shannon Sweeney
Off Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


Hello everyone!
I’m Shannon Sweeney (she/her/hers) and I’m a first year majoring in
Environmental Studies from the BAY AREA. I am super excited to say that I am
running to be one of your next Off Campus senators with Isla Vista Party.
I look forward to representing and serving YOU In senate.

-External Vice President of Local Affairs Fellow: In the EVPLA office I have learned how Associated Students works and worked to support Isla Vista.
-Student Organizer for March For Our Lives: I organized, spoke at and directed multiple walkout and protests for gun control.
-2 years of High School Student Government: I represented and advocated for my peers in an elected office.

What I am going to do for YOU!
-PROMOTE student artists and creators by creating events in IV for them to
showcase their talents.
-EXPAND the Food Bank so it is more accessible to students to students in IV. Students
Students should have access to healthy, sustainable and inexpensive food.
-ADVOCATE for SUSTAINABILITY off campus by increasing composting and
recycling in Isla Vista.
-Give OVERDOSE PREVENTION training and Naloxone to CSOs. Opioid overdose is affecting our community and Naloxone is life saving drug in an emergency situation.
-REPRESENT you! I want to make sure all students feel they have a voice in
associated students and am going to do the work to ensure that they are
listened to.

If you have any questions or just want to get to know me, feel free to email me at
Vote SHANNON SWEENEY as your #1 choice for off campus Senator and Vote

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