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Hey Gauchos,
My name is Quinn Lyon, and I’m a second-year Pre-Biology major from the Bay Area running to be your next Off-Campus Senator with Campus United!
My Experience:
Commissioner of Environmental Sustainability in the A.S. Office of the President: assisted the A.S. President with presidential agenda emphasizing environmental sustainability projects
Voting Member of The Green Initiative Fund Undergraduate: voted on important environmental projects
A.S. Sustainability Coalition Member: drafted AS environmental legislation
Greeks Go Green Core Member: worked to make Greek life more environmentally friendly
My vision:
ESTABLISH more compost bins in Isla Vista
ELIMINATE predatory police practices in Isla Vista like sting operations through close communication with the UCPD, IVFP, and CSD
CREATE more study spaces in Isla Vista
INCREASE A.S. Senate transparency, not just through documenting and publishing minutes of A.S. meetings, but by finding engaging ways to bring important updates the students they effect
POSITION UCSB A.S. as a model in the fight against climate change with a UC wide resolution
RENOVATE Financial Aid at UCSB by restructuring the website for simplicity and accessibility
If you have any questions for me, don’t hesitate to email me at quinnlyon@gmail.com.
I want to improve the lives of all students at UCSB! Vote Quinn Lyon for Off-Campus Senator with Campus United! Make WAVES!
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