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Hello UCSB!
My name is Matthew Griffin and I am ready to be your External Vice President of Local Affairs!
I am a third-year Political Science major and am passionate about our beloved community of Isla Vista! Ever since my first day here, everything I have done has been for the betterment of student life in IV.
I Have Served You As:
IV Liaison, EVPLA Office:
-PLANNED the Third Annual Beloved Community Conference to bring community members together, share perspectives, and learn about IV
-REPRESENTED students at IV Community Relations Committee to plan the Pardall Carnival
-CREATED the ‘People of Isla Vista’ site to profile residents of IV ranging from students to families in order to help each other learn about our neighbors
Intern, EVPLA Office:
-COLLABORATED with County of SB to find permanent homes for students displaced by the 2017 cliff falls
-ADVOCATED on behalf of students at IV Community Network Meetings
An active Member of the IV Community:
-DEVELOPED professional relationships with property management firms and local business owners by creating my own aerial photography company to market their services
My Plans:
-CREATE a Community Court, run by local community members and utilize restorative justice for minor violations to be dealt with in IV instead of downtown SB
-DEVELOP quarterly Green Dot trainings in the IV Community Room to expand sexual violence prevention awareness and trainings
-COLLABORATE with the Alcohol & Drug Program to promote educational awareness and expand recovery resources
-IMPLEMENT Wifi on the beach and parks
-PARTNER with local grocery stores to generate a food bank in IV
-EXPAND our community composting system and work with entities on campus to create a more sustainable IV
Questions? Email: matthewgriffin@ucsb.edu
Vote Matthew Griffin for EVPLA and vote Campus United! Make WAVES!
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