Makenalani “Roo” Cash
Off Campus Senator
Isla Vista Party (2018-22)


My name is Makenlani “Roo” Cash, and I am a second-year Political Science major with minors in Spanish and Labor Studies. I am from sunny San Diego, but I can confidently say that UCSB is my true home- which is why I would love to represent YOU and this beautiful school. I am running to be YOUR next off-campus senator with the Isla Vista Party to enhance the student experience for ALL.
My goal is to make AS work for YOU by ensuring your student fees are serving OUR beautiful community. With experience as my high school’s executive secretary and business ambassador, I am well-versed in effectively allocating funds that directly impacts students in a positive and beneficial way. As a full-time student who works 20+ hours week to make ends meet, fiscal responsibility is nothing new to me. It is my mission to improve this school and our community without any tuition hikes!
- ACCESSIBLE STUDY SPACES IN IV: I plan to transform open spaces in Embarcadero Hall, IV theater, and parks into study-friendly spaces with a plethora of power outlets and workable areas.
- GET REAL ABOUT OUR DRUG EPIDEMIC: Just in March 2019, we had three overdoses in Isla Vista, one resulting in death. This hits home for all of us. As your off-campus senator, I want to take our Alcohol & Drug Program’s initiative to give out free kits of Naloxone one step further and provide free drug purity tests. If we cannot stop our growing drug epidemic, we must provide students with EVERY proper resource to prevent the passing of a beloved community member
. - GET REAL ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH: Mental health issues CANNOT WAIT. I will ensure as your off-campus senator that our students get the help they desperately need when they need it!
But enough about what I want to do, I want to empower YOU and be your VOICE to bring the change you WANT and NEED for our school and community.
If you have questions or would like to voice your opinion, EMAIL ME at

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